What others are saying about Rodney Williams and Club Meth to Christ:
“For six years we were privileged to travel around with Rodney Williams who we grew to love even more as time went on. Literally hundreds and thousands of people have been inspired by his story and preaching, but our family was even more blessed to see him live each day exactly what he preached. Your church or event will be greatly impacted by Rodney’s message. “
The Red Roots Family
”Since 2002, I have been blessed to be a friend to a miracle of God’s grace. That miracle is Rodney Williams. God has transformed his dependency upon drugs to a dependency upon Christ. If you have an opportunity to use him as a speaker, please do. He is effective with students as well as adults. I am glad to be able to call him a friend.”
Phillip Price
Associational Missions Director, Jackson County Baptist Association
”Rodney Williams’ presentation is personal, real-life, informative, and entertaining. I know with his help we can reach a lot of children to avoid the costly mistake of experimenting with drugs.”
Anthony N. “Tony” Lawrence, III
District Attorney, Nineteenth Circuit Court District
“Rodney has a powerful testimony of how he was addicted to meth, how it controlled his life, and how it almost killed him. He then shares his victory over this powerful substance. He has touched the lives of thousands.”
Bill Barton
Founder of the Home of Grace
“I have just read your book Club Meth to Christ. I was a crack head and meth addict. I was raised by my mother who was a diligent Christian. One of her last request was that her children would all be saved. What about me? I have been to prison five times. I was locked up when my mother passed away and could not go to her funeral. I want you to know that today I received Jesus.
Arizona State Prison Inmate
“My son, Daniel, is in jail for drug possession. He had a beautiful home, a business, cars, anything he wanted. Now he has nothing. He stole from me, his dad, his brother, and his 87 year old grandma. He read your book and says I need to read it to help me see where he is and that there is help and hope for him through Jesus Christ.
“I was charged with murder and sentenced to 20 years. One night I went to the trash can to put something in and saw your book, Club Meth to Christ. I picked it up, wiped it off, and read every page. I’ve never read a chapter of any book in my entire life. I have asked the Lord to come into my heart and save me.”
Mississippi State Prison Inmate
“I went home last night and read your book in 2 hours and cried the whole time. I have been struggling with drug and alcohol problems for the past 4 years. You have helped me more than you’ll ever know with your book.”
Student, University of Alabama
“Thank you for reaching out to the addicted in our society. You are directly responsible for my son’s sobriety. He first wrote you from jail and you encouraged him to go to rehab. He did! I have prayed for him for years and I thank you for writing him while he was in jail. But I thank you most for leading him to the Lord.”
Foley, Alabama
“It was such a blessing to hear Rodney speak. I have been broken and at the bottom of the pit of addiction for a long time. I was mad at God for the death of my son. I had lost all hope and then you gave me Club Meth to Christ. Through Rodney’s words, I realized that I do have a future. I gave my life to Christ and have a great sense of peace.”
New Orleans, Louisiana
“I bought five books to give away. I loved, loved this book and felt like we had similar stories. Your story changed my life.”
Birmingham, Alabama
“When I was in rehab I read your book and since I’ve been home I’ve read it over and over. Recently, I met a woman whose daughter is deep in the pit of addiction. I gave her your book. I am so grateful that when I didn’t have the words to help, I had your book. She called me to say her daughter wants to go to rehab now! Thank you.”
Knoxville, Tennessee
“In 2008, I got blown up in a meth lab explosion. I went to hang out with some friends but when the fire came under the door and blew up the propane tank next to me, I fell and my so called friends stepped on me and left me to fend for myself. When I got out from the house, they drove me 20 miles away from the explosion and dropped me off at a gas station. My skin was hanging off my face, arms, and legs, and my lungs were collapsing. I ended up on life support and had to learn to walk again. I love what you are doing and I hope to one day give others hope as you have given me. Thank you.”
Santa Cruz, California
“I have been locked up for 3 years now and share your book every time I can. It is a big hit on the compound. It is such an inspiration coming from someone who was at rock bottom but, with faith in Christ, rose up and gained control of their life. Thank you for sharing your story. Through it, God is changing lives in this prison compound.
Federal Correctional Institute, Texarkana, Texas
“Your book changed my life. I sent it to a friend of mine that was in jail and it changed his life too. He was shot and killed a year later but there’s no doubt he’s in heaven today. He held on to that book. Today my husband and I pastor a recovery ministry. Thank you for the work you allow Christ to do through you.”
Dying to Live Ministry
Laurel, Mississippi
“Rodney thanks for sharing your life story. Your book is amazing. When I read it I had to meet you because I couldn’t believe the miracle God has done for you.”